You have the possibility of adding options to your Lovys car contract once the formula has been chosen. Here are the ones we offer you when you subscribe:
- Extended driver protection:
The ceiling for your compensation in the event of disability or loss of income following an accident with your vehicle is reduced from € 300,000 to € 600,000 or to € 1,000,000.
- 0km breakdown and accident assistance:
This option gives you the right to a breakdown service for you, your passengers and your vehicle, even outside your home (whether in the event of breakdown, theft, accident or fire). If necessary, you can also benefit from a replacement vehicle. Possibility of adding a replacement vehicle
-RC trailer over 750 kg:
Your trailer weighing more than 750 kg is covered in the event of a claim with a third party.
- Personal property and equipment:
Insure objects and other goods in your car up to € 500, with a deductible of € 80 (only Third Party Extended and All Risks)
Choose them according to your needs, Lovys takes care of everything!